"Love God … Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:30-31
A blended and diverse family best describes members of Northaven, and our Care Team is the group that focuses on those in our family who need attention during challenging chapters of life.
From placing a call to our homebound to sending cards to those who are grieving, our team works diligently to make sure no one feels alone or isolated.
Our membership benefits from Care Team activities that include:
Meals during a personal or family emergency crisis
Prayer blankets representing Northaven’s love during critical states of health
Communion in the home for those who cannot attend in-person worship
Receptions for memorial services
If you wish to serve on our Care Team or want to reach the Care Team, email care@northaven.org

Northaven Church is a praying community. In addition to congregational prayers offered in worship, we provide prayer support to our church family and their loved ones.
Our ongoing prayer list is updated weekly and distributed to our church email list, to enable our membership to join in praying for the needs of our community. A private prayer list is shared only with pastors and the Care Team.
If you would like to be added to the Northaven prayer list, please complete the form below, and a member of our Care Team will contact you.

Northaven offers a way for people to contribute to Northaven ministries through honorariums, memorials, and gifts in perpetuity.
Tribute Fund
This fund accepts contributions from donors to Northaven, typically made to honor or memorialize a friend or member of Northaven. The Tribute fund is used for projects outside of the annual budget that improve our facilities and expand our ministries.
Permanent Endowment Fund
This fund provides members and friends of Northaven an opportunity to make gifts to the church as a permanent endowment of financial support. The Permanent Endowment Fund is invested in balanced funds at a reputable foundation.
Northaven’s Covenant Fund committee is charged with managing these funds and distributions. The committee sponsors estate and will planning seminars as well as other educational and life-planning events. The Road to Resurrection is our free estate planning tool.
For more information, email covenantfunds@northaven.org

As a congregation, we are always asking the question of how our faith compels us to respond. One way we make our impact in the world is through donations made by our Mission and Justice Fund (MJF).
Established in 1969, the Mission and Justice Fund has donated over $1.6 million to worthy charities and organizations, both local and global, who address issues of hunger, low cost housing, human rights, medical needs and children and youth development.
This year the MJF made donations totaling $51,090 to 14 organizations. You can find a listing of those organizations here.
For more information on the MJF, contact mjf@northaven.org