“What does God require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Reconciling Ministries Network is a coalition of United Methodists that celebrates that LGBTQ+ persons are a good expression of God’s diverse creation. RMN exists to advocate for the affirmation of all of God’s children in the Church and the world.
Individuals, small groups, and congregations can join the network to support their goal of full participation of all people in the life and leadership. Northaven has been a RMN congregation for over 25 years, and continues to work with other Reconciling churches, clergy, and laity toward full inclusion.
For more information, visit www.rmnetwork.org

Northaven marches proudly and stands boldly in our knowledge that
EVERYONE is made in the image of God and unconditionally LOVED.
As long-standing allies of the LGBTQ+ community, Northaven advocates actively in the community. We also:
Proudly participate in annual Pride festivals and events.
Host speakers from the LGBTQ+ community.
Continue our decades-long leadership with the Reconciling Ministries Network.
Host Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial services to honor those who’ve lost their lives to violence
Northaven found its voice in social activism over 50 years ago, and it is still one of our strongest values. We believe that faith motivates us to respond to the needs of others and to advocate for systems that address injustice.
In 2021, Northaven was chosen by the North Texas Conference of the UMC to participate in a pilot program addressing racial injustice in our communities. With Conference support, Northaven leaders met monthly to assess our congregation's views and to discuss ways in which we might address individual and systemic racism.
One result of that work is a partnership with The Village United Methodist Church in DeSoto, Texas. Clergy and leadership from both churches meet several times a year to build relationships and actively serve together.
We hosted members of The Village UMC for a “Together We Dine” event in April 2023, followed by a joint service project at Owenwood Farm in Northeast Dallas in June. We look forward to building relationships for many years to come!
Northaven’s advocacy for the Black Lives Matter movement was highlighted after the death of George Floyd. We continue to call out hate in any corner where it grows and embrace love in our community and world.
Northaven Church believes that we have an obligation to God and to our neighbors — the immigrant, the laborer, those living in poverty, those pushed to the margins of society. We proudly partner with allies in advocacy as we seek to make a difference in our community and world.
Downwinders at Risk Education Fund
Southern Sector Rising
Texas Christians for Reproductive Justice
Texas Impact

Northaven members volunteer and serve on teams that support local nonprofits providing critical services to our community.
Looking for ways to make a difference in the DFW community? Check out our list of volunteer opportunities and find the perfect way to share your time and talents. Sign up today and be part of something meaningful!
Serve once a month on school campus, mentoring 4th grade students with a leadership development curriculum.
Dates: Fridays Jan. 24, Feb. 21, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 16
Time: 1 — 2:30 p.m.
Location: Tom C. Gooch Elementary 4030 Calculus Dr., Dallas, TX
Contact: Please email Jeanene.Evans@academy4.org to sign up to volunteer.
This program is held through Academy 4. For more information, go to academy4.org.
An after school program where volunteers assist students with reading, homework, games and other activities.
Dates: Monday — Thursday during the 2024-2025 school year
Time: 4:15 — 6 p.m.
Locations: Chapel Hill Preparatory – 12701 Templeton Trail, Farmers Branch, TX 75234
Christ’s Foundry UMM – 9891 Webb Chapel Rd, Dallas, TX 75220
Owenwood Farm & Neighbor Space – 1451 John West Rd, Dallas, TX 75228
Contact: To sign up to volunteer, email Project Transformation’s volunteer and church engagement manager, Marcos Gonzales at gonzales@ptnorthtexas.org.
This program is held through Project Transformation. For more information, please click here.
Each Saturday, Christ's Foundry United Methodist Mission distributes bread and bakery goods to neighbors in need.
Volunteers are needed to go to the two partner stores, pick up the bread and bakery goods (stores will have them ready), and deliver them to Christ's Foundry.
Bread will be ready to be picked up at 9 a.m. each Saturday morning and is to then be delivered to Christ's Foundry by 10 a.m. for distribution.
Dates: Saturday mornings, ongoing
Time: Pick up at 9 a.m., drop off by 10 a.m.
Location: Pick up —
Oak Lawn at Blackburn
Hillcrest Rd. at Lovers Lane (Snider Plaza)
*Exact addresses of stores and further details will be emailed upon sign-up
Delivery to Christ's Foundry —
9891 Webb Chapel Road, Dallas, TX 75220
Contact: To sign up for the Saturday Morning Bread Ministry, please click here.
Volunteers with valid drivers license are needed to drive UHaul trucks to pick up food packages and then deliver the food to Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Mission.
UHaul reservations will be made and paid for by the church under the volunteer’s name. The volunteer will pick up the UHaul from South Oak Cliff at 10 a.m., then drive to Crossroads Community Ministries where the food will be loaded onto the truck, then drive to Christ Foundry where the food will be unloaded, and then return the UHaul.
No physical labor is involved. The warehouse will load food from the loading dock and Christ’s Foundry members will unload at the church. The UHaul reservation will be for a 20’ truck.
Dates: First Tuesday of every month (ongoing)
Time: 10 a.m. — 12 p.m. approximately
Location: Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Mission 9891 Webb Chapel Rd, Dallas, TX 75220
*Location details for UHaul and food pick up will be given after sign up.
Contact: To sign up to serve as a UHaul driver, please contact Pastor Amy Spaur at christsfoundry@gmail.com
To sign up to volunteer or for any questions, email serve@northaven.org
As a congregation, we are always asking the question of how our faith compels us to respond. One way we make our impact in the world is through donations made by our Mission and Justice Fund (MJF).
Established in 1969, the Mission and Justice Fund has donated over $1.6 million to worthy charities and organizations , both local and global, who address issues of hunger, low cost housing , human rights, medical needs and children and youth development.
Last year the MJF made donations totaling $64,934 to 13 organizations. You can find a listing of those organizations here.
Our application process is now open with a deadline of December 15, 2023 to submit an application for funding. Decisions on funding are expected sometime in February 2024. You can find an application for funding here.
Select the agency below to read more about their work

Black Tie Dinner, Inc. (BTD) is a non-profit organization that raises funds for LGBTQ+ supportive organizations serving North Texas through a premier event of empowerment, education, and entertainment in partnership with the community.
Northaven is a proud beneficiary of BTD since 2006! Distributions from BTD are used to fund numerous Northaven ministries including our participation in Dallas Pride events, hosting of a Transgender Day of Remembrance, advocacy within the United Methodist denomination, and support of organizations that share our passion for social justice and inclusion.
BTD has grown to become the largest LGBTQ+ fundraising event of its kind in the nation.
Northaven is grateful for our ongoing relationship with BTD! We look forward to our continued partnership as we act boldly in our community and advocate for our LGBTQ+ siblings.
Join us at this year’s BTD event on November 8, 2025!
To learn more about BTD, visit www.blacktie.org

Northaven has a Green Sustainability Team! Our threefold objectives as Christians are to:
Care for Mother Earth
Care for ourselves
Care for our church and community
We are committed to educate, motivate, change, and reveal our current Greening and our future Greening. We have a vibrant 30-member team of all ages that meets monthly over Zoom as we organize projects to support our planet.
For a list of action items that you can do to make your home and community greener, please click here!
Join us! Let’s work together to make Mother Earth a better place as God’s servants. Contact us at green@northaven.org