Northaven Church DEI Statement
Approved by Northaven's Leadership Board in March 2023
Northaven Church is a progressive Christian community of blended backgrounds and identities that are called by God to be persons of faith who are committed to justice, equity, and inclusion for all God’s children. We share a passion for our church family, our community, and our outreach to those whose lives are on the margins of society. We believe that “ALL means ALL” – and through God’s radically inclusive love, each person is of sacred worth in the eyes and heart of God. We welcome everyone without exception, regardless of age, race, ethnic background, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, family or socioeconomic status, educational background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history or life experience. We believe that the diversity of God’s creation makes it just like us – beautiful, imperfect disciples on faith journeys together. Our covenant with each other is to accept, respect and love one another through our valleys and our mountaintops as we seek to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.