Going Deeper with Northaven
We are a faith community that celebrates questions without fear of judgment. If you are digging deeper into your faith, you’ve found the right place.
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Click through the topics below for links to articles, videos, blogs, etc.
We believe that Christian faith must always be evolving to meet each generation’s new challenges and questions.
We don’t think this means giving up on believing, but rather that believing needs to be nimble, enabling authentic and truthful living in a complex and complicated world.
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
John Crossan on the historical Jesus
John Crossan on the risen Christ
Amy Jill Levine on Jesus, Judaism, and Justice
Jann Aldredge-Clanton teachings
Video: Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis: "God-Talk for Hot-Mess Times"
Video: Rev. Dr. Lydia Munoz: "Creating God in Our Image"
Video: The First Christmas - Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan
Video: Dr. Wil Gafney: "Biblical Language for a God Who Transcends Gender"
Video: Brian McLaren: "Faith after Fundamentalism"
We welcome all people without question. We trust that God’s grace is always at work, in us and in the world.
As a United Methodist congregation, we see part of our task as calling our denomination to stop putting up barriers and instead to lead with unconditional love.
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
LGBTQ advocates plan for new day in church
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians
Walking in the Shadow - Article
Progressive Christians advocating for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the body of Christ
Video: Austen Hartke: The Bible and Transgender Christians
We understand Jesus’ life and teachings to be political as well as spiritual. Because of how we see his work, our faith leads us to take stands on social and political issues.
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
Parks-King lecture: "Reviving American Democracy" with The Rev. Dr. William Barber II
America and the Taliban: A Study in Women's Equality
The danger of a single story - TED Talk
Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
Union President Serene Jones on Reproductive Rights on MSNBC with Morning Joe
Rev. Dr. Serene Jones Preaches to Disciples of Christ General Assembly
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: Creating A More Equitable Society Is In White Americans' Self Interest
Learning about Black Liberation Theology
Learning about Womanist Theology
Gustavo Gutiérrez and Liberation Theology
Exploring Racial Justice: Austin Channing Brown
Christian Nationalism: Jemar Tisby
Christian Nationalism: Kristin Kobles Du Mez
Christian Nationalism: Adam Hamilton sermon
Have we missed the message: Interview of Ta-Nehisi Cotes with What Now? Trevor Noah Podcast
Let’s be honestabout the Bible. It has been used to harm as well as to inspire. It has been used to support tyranny as well as a call for liberation. We see the Bible, in all of its complexity, as an invitation to take it seriously. This means we strive to be informed readers.
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
John Dominic Crossan--How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian
Jewish Jesus: Amy-Jill Levine Extended Interview
Wandering on Holy Ground - Article
We are open to experiencing God in many different ways. From drumming to walking our lovely garden labyrinth, from meditation to book clubs, we seek to deeper our connection to Divine Mystery and to one another.
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
Center for Action and Contemplation
Barbara Brown Taylor - Writer, Speaker, Spiritual Contrarian
On Being with Krista Tippett - Podcast
Let's revive the Golden Rule - TED Talk
Lose your ego, find your compassion - TED Talk
Reconnecting with compassion - TED Talk
You Can Do This Hard Thing: Carrie Newcomer
Take More Time, Cover Less Ground: Carrie Newcomer
12 Truths I learned from life and writing: Anne Lamott
An Interview with Walter Brueggemann
Barbara Brown Tayler interview by Krista Tippett
Richard Rohr interview by Stephen Copeland, Franciscan Media
Healing from the ground up, The Christian Century
The unsettling surprise of God’s mercy, The Christian Century
We read books and blogs, listen to podcasts, watch movies, AND we love to talk about all of it! Join our conversations!
Click through the highlighted links below to explore and dig deeper!
God is a Black Woman by Christena Cleveland
Everything Happens with Kate Bowler - Podcast
Brené Brown at Washington National Cathedral
Barbara Brown Taylor Calvery Episcopal Church, Memphis
Greg Boyle Calvery Episcopal Church, Memphis