"For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I among them." Matthew 18:20
Northaven Church takes a “whole child” approach to children’s ministry, incorporating aspects related to a child’s mental, physical, social, and emotional well-being.
We offer age-appropriate opportunities to learn the basics of the Christian faith in a loving, safe, inclusive environment. We believe that all can grow, connect, and serve here at Northaven.
Sunday classes are available for children and youth, ages 3 through 18. Join us every Sunday at 9:30 am!
Children are welcome in worship! For your convenience, we provide childcare during Sunday classes and worship, from 9:30 am until noon. Infants through kindergarteners are cared for by our professional caregiving staff.
Our Northaven children and youth enjoy several activities throughout the year to create long-lasting memories and promote faith that embraces community.
Kids’ Night Out is a chance for kids to have a night of fun with food, movies, and games while the parents have a chance for a break during the school year.
Compassion Camp 2024 is here! Teaching our children the kindness of compassion, we hear Bible stories, learn new songs, make tie-dye T-shirts, and have fun!
Every year before the fall school semester starts, we bless our children and their teachers during Blessing of the Backpacks in worship, followed by one last summer hurrah.
We dig deep into theological, social justice, and biblical topics while enjoying lively discussions!
Join us at 9:30 am – 10:30 am in Room 237 or online
J3 (Jesus, Java, Journey)
Each session begins with time for personal sharing and prayer. We are a safe place where there is no judgment – we laugh A LOT! You can also find us getting together outside of the church walls.
Join us from 9:15 am – 10:15 am in Room 250 or online
We center on the idea of journey including multiple faith perspectives and practices. Each week we have time to share insights from our journeys before we delve into the topic of the day, always closing with a prayer circle.
Join us from 9:30 am – 10:30 am in Room 240 or online
We have a free-flowing group that likes to be nimble in our discussions. We reflect on our week’s adventures in the safe space we create, reflecting on how Scripture applies to our lives.
Join us from 9:30 am – 10:30 am in Room 244 or online
For us, an hour isn’t enough, so we stretch out our discussions a little longer. We read various books and ask participants to facilitate our lively discussions.
Join us on Sunday evenings from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (ZOOM ONLY)
For more information on these classes, email grow@northaven.org

Northaven offers many small group activities, from drumming to meditation to spiritual growth to creative expression.
For more information, email connect@northaven.org
Artist Play Date
Northaven's Creative Connections group sponsors two events monthly and invites all ages into a "no judgment" environment. Different projects include collage, crochet, beginning painting, lost word poems, and more! Most supplies provided.
2nd Monday and 3rd Saturday, 11 am - 1 pm
Bring a sack lunch!
Circles of the Spirit
Designed to foster trust, these small groups meet monthly and use a format designed by Parker Palmer, a Quaker, to aid in the balance of inner and outer lives.
These groups are intentionally small to support an environment of deep connection.
Times vary
Men's Group
A community of men who laugh, pray, share their lives, and discuss topics of interest.
This group puts faith into action through service projects, ranging from work at local food banks to flipping pancakes at churchwide events.
4th Friday, 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Novel Bunch
Anyone who shares a love of reading and community is welcome to join! A light dinner is provided, along with lively discussions.
Each April, books are chosen for the next 12 months so that everyone knows in advance what will be read each month.
1st Thursday, 6:30 pm
Sacred Drumming
Crossing all cultures, this experience is a unique way to pray with the rhythm of one's hands and heart. Each experience is unique and can offer spiritual healing.
No prior experience is needed, and drums are provided. Join us!
2nd Wednesday, 12 pm - 1 pm
Spiritual Practice Retreats
Half-day events provide the opportunity to explore multiple faith practices that center on the body, reminding us that faith is about our whole lives—our bodies and our minds.
Activities include walking the labyrinth, sacred drumming, sound baths, and more!
Times vary
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith (UWF) is a United Methodist organization, and Northaven’s UWF unit chooses a variety of books to read and discuss at monthly meetings.
September through June
2nd Tuesday, 9:30 am - 11:30 am