Northaven offers you an opportunity to worship with us!
Northaven offers a traditional style of worship with a casual, creative approach.
We believe that:
Worship occurs in every corner of our world, not just when we gather on Sunday morning.
The Spirit works among us as we worship in community.
Our worship experience informs how we live out our faith every day.
We experience worship anew by listening to special musical performances.
Join us as we seek to touch the heart of God!
Northaven worshippers gather weekly, in person and online, to celebrate God's love in community. We employ a traditional worship style, with written liturgies and prayers, while allowing space for the Holy Spirit to move and inspire us. We strive to offer a creative and inclusive worship experience, and members of all ages may serve as worship leaders.
Music in traditional worship is more than singing great hymns! While we enjoy a variety of old and new hymnody, we also love the leadership of a jazz pianist or a string quartet. Music from our pipe organ lifts our spirits, as do the voices of children teaching us songs from summer camp. Through our audiovisual ministry, we can use photography and videos to enhance worship, and we often feature art works by our most creative members.
Each week, we center ourselves in God's presence with congregational prayer. Our prayers lift up the needs of our families, our community, our nation, and our world as we lean into God's healing. Silence is a cherished part of our prayer time, as we invite worshippers to listen for God's guidance and inspiration.
In the United Methodist tradition, the gift of God's grace through the sacrament of baptism is offered to all, regardless of age. For children, parents enter into covenant with God and the church family to raise their children in the Christian faith. Children baptized as infants learn about their faith through Confirmation (6th grade), when they say "yes" to God's love for themselves. Older teens and adults receive baptism when they are ready to make a commitment to growing in faith and service. If you were baptized in another Christian tradition, your baptism is recognized here.
The sacrament of Holy Communion is a tangible sign of God's love for all through Jesus Christ. All are welcome to receive the bread and juice, whether or not you have been baptized or are a member of our church. Regardless of your faith story, we invite you to experience God's presence with us at Christ's Table. We typically celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
You do not have to be a member of Northaven to participate in any of our worship services or ministries. For those who are ready to commit to membership, we celebrate your vows to support our ministries with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. You may join by first-time profession of faith (including baptism), renewal of profession of faith, or transfer from another congregation. Contact us at church@northaven.org for more information or to talk to a pastor about membership.

Northaven is the church where every person’s identity is accepted as we all come together to explore, to question, to find community, and to grow in relationship with God.
Come in person by 11 am Central every Sunday!
Parking is available in our north and south lots, including space for persons with disabilities.
Children are welcome in worship or may be more comfortable with our caring, trained childcare staff.
Connect online at 11 am Central every Sunday!

Northaven offers many opportunities for members and guests to share their musical gifts. Our choir leads weekly worship by sharing anthems from a variety of musical styles.
On any given Sunday you may experience a Bach prelude on the organ or a lively gospel tune on the piano. Our gifted handbell choir makes regular appearances in worship, and our children's choir meets weekly to learn music to share on special occasions.
In addition to our talented membership, we often enjoy the excellence of professional musicians from all around the DFW Metroplex.